Lab Grown Yellow Diamond: The Modern Alternative for Luxurious Beauty

Lab grown yellow diamond is perhaps the most common synthetic diamond in the jewelry market today. These marvelous gems provide a beauty, Work and play that cannot be liquidated in comparison with other gems. Whether you are just interested in jewelry or are looking for that special piece for yourself or for someone else, it’s important to know about lab-grown yellow diamonds. This article discusses how these diamonds are unique and special, its uses and why you should consider having this diamond type.

What is a Lab Grown Yellow Diamond?

Yellow diamonds are also known as man made diamonds as they undergo processes which are similar to diamond growth and take place in laboratories using technological procedures. Perhaps you already know that the natural diamonds are formed in the earth’s mantle and it takes billions of years, but it takes only weeks in making lab – grown diamonds. This has been done through some techniques such as HPHT or CVD that synthesizes diamonds to the natural diamond in terms of chemically, physically, and optically.

The Appeal of Lab Grown Yellow Diamonds

Here’s why more people are opting for these dazzling stones:

1. Ethical and Environmentally Friendly

Natural diamonds as scientifically coined originate from depressed areas with a poor record as regards human rights and environmental conservation. Man-made is grown in laboratories with most of the natural resources mining problems not being encountered. They demand much lower energy and water consumption thus they have a low impact on the environment.

2. Affordability

Lab-created diamonds are available at a lesser price as compared to mined diamonds. This is due to the nature of their production, which is not as labor and logistics demanding as mining entails, which takes a lot of effort to produce minerals. So those who want to own a lab grown yellow diamond gorgeous without paying a hefty amount can go for laboratory creations.

3. Quality and Purity

Many times the synthetic yellow diamonds are of higher clarity compared to that of the mined yellow diamonds because the former is grown in a controlled environment. They contain fewer inclusions and impurities and that makes them very attractive in their appearance and in addition they are a wise investment. Also, these diamonds can be made with a certain degree of color saturation and this way the buyer can get the exact color of yellow that he wants.

How Lab Grown Yellow Diamonds are Made

1. HPHT Method

In the HPHT process a small diamond seed is put into a carbon-containing material, and after that, pressure is applied along with heating to very high levels. As such atoms condense under these conditions they become deposited on the seed and they coalesce to form a diamond crystal. The incorporation of nitrogen during the process is responsible for yellow coloration of the material.

2. CVD Method

CVD stands for Chemical Vapour Deposition and it entails exposing a diamond seed to carbon containing gaseous mixtures in a vacuum. In this process, the gasses are converted to plasma, and the carbon atoms stick to diamond seed to develop a crystal. Thanks to the CVD technique, it is possible to track color and clarity of the lab grown yellow diamond, which is why this method is considered one of the optimal for obtaining lab-grown yellow diamonds.

Natural vs Lab Grown Yellow Diamonds 

There are a number of parameters that one has to keep in mind while distinguishing lab grown yellow diamonds from the naturals. Each of the types of diamonds has its benefits and although many might argue that natural diamonds are the superior option, lab-created diamonds do seem to have the upper hand in the aspects of ethics, price and versatility.

1. Price

Synthetic yellow diamonds cost between 20% and 40% less than naturally occurring yellow diamonds. This difference in price can be easily explained by the fact that cultured pearls are produced at a comparatively lower price, and do not have such problems as, for example, mined diamonds, dealing with supplies.

2. Ethical Considerations

The produced diamonds are not accompanied with the controversies that come with mining that pollute the environment and fund wars. They are something that would appeal to the selective buyers who have the greatest conscience.

3. Availability

Natural yellow diamonds are very useful because they are very scarce and thus very costly and hard to come by. Yellow diamonds on the other hand can be cultivated in a controlled environment hence supply of the yellow diamonds is not a problem.

4. Customization

There is much more that can be done with lab created diamonds including the color and size. If a consumer requires a particular hue of yellow or the specific carat size, then lab-grown diamonds give that consumer a higher selection.


If the brilliance and whiteness of lab-grown yellow diamonds is any indication, then lab-grown diamonds are the beauty, ethics, and affordability of natural diamonds rolled into one. These diamonds fit into all categories – be it an engagement ring, a gift or just a pretty piece of jewelry that you’d want to own and flaunt because they follow the best of trends today while at the same time do not compromise your conscience.


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