Jordan Peterson Daughter, Explore All About Mikhaila Peterson

Jordan Peterson, a renowned Canadian psychologist and media personality, has made headlines with his controversial views on various topics. However, behind his public persona lies a family life that includes his daughter, Mikhaila Peterson. Born on January 4, 1992, Mikhaila is a notable figure in her own right. At 31 years old, she has built a career as a podcaster, CEO, lifestyle and diet blogger, and educational speaker. Mikhaila’s net worth is estimated to be around $1 million, showcasing her successful ventures.

What is Mikhaila Peterson’s Professional Background?

Mikhaila Peterson is a multi-faceted professional with a strong online presence. She hosts “The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast,” where she interviews individuals with diverse perspectives on controversial issues. This platform allows her audience to engage with different viewpoints and make informed decisions. Her website describes her as a Canadian-born podcaster, CEO, lifestyle and diet blogger, and educational speaker. Mikhaila’s journey into the spotlight began with her personal health struggles, which she openly discusses in her blog and podcast.

What Illnesses Has Mikhaila Peterson Overcome?

Mikhaila’s health journey is both inspiring and challenging. At the age of 7, she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, although her symptoms began when she was just 2 years old. She was prescribed immune suppressants, which she administered herself from a young age. By the time she was 12, Mikhaila had also been diagnosed with severe depression, later classified as bipolar type 2, and was prescribed SSRIs (antidepressants). Her teenage years were marked by several painful surgeries and a brief dependency on Oxycontin.

How Did Mikhaila Peterson’s Diet Transform Her Health?

Mikhaila’s health took a turn for the better at 23 when her mother introduced her to a naturopath. Suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, Mikhaila radically changed her diet, eliminating dairy, legumes, eggs, nuts, seeds, sugar, and processed foods. She eventually adopted the “lion diet,” which consists exclusively of meat. After three months, she noticed significant improvements in her health, including the lifting of her depression and the healing of a persistent rash. She stopped taking antidepressants and continued to refine her diet, ultimately finding that only meat did not trigger her arthritis.

What is the Lion Diet and How Has Mikhaila Promoted It?

The lion diet, which Mikhaila has been on for over five years, consists solely of beef, lamb, and bison. She claims this diet has alleviated her arthritic symptoms without the need for medication. Through her podcast and blog, Mikhaila advocates for this diet, sharing her experiences and encouraging others to explore it. Her website features 28 recipes, primarily involving air-frying and grilling various cuts of meat, illustrating the simplicity and variety within this restrictive diet.

Who is Mikhaila Peterson’s Husband, Jordan Fuller?

Mikhaila married Jordan Fuller in June 2022, after getting engaged in March of the same year. Jordan Fuller is a fitness enthusiast and a follower of Christ, as indicated by his Instagram bio. He also follows a meat-only diet, which he credits for his improved health and weight management. The couple appears to be well-matched, sharing similar health philosophies and lifestyle choices.

What is the Current Status of Mikhaila and Jordan’s Family Life?

As of November 2023, Mikhaila and Jordan are expecting their first child. Jordan announced via Instagram that Mikhaila was eight months pregnant, and the couple is eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby. This new chapter in their lives marks a significant milestone, further cementing their partnership and shared journey in health and wellness.


Mikhaila Peterson, the daughter of the controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson, has carved out her own unique path. At 31, she is a successful podcaster, CEO, lifestyle and diet blogger, and educational speaker. Her health struggles and subsequent adoption of the lion diet have defined much of her public persona, and she continues to advocate for this unconventional diet. Married to Jordan Fuller and expecting their first child, Mikhaila’s personal and professional life is a testament to her resilience and dedication to health and wellness.


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